Top 5 Home remedies for kidney stones

Kidney stones are commonly increasing health problem and kidney are the significant organs in a human body. Kidneys clean the impurities from blood and urine. Kidney stones are form by the chemicals in urine like calcium, uric acid and phosphorous. Consumption of imbalance diet, Vitamin D, and dehydration are kidney stone causes. If you have more than 1 kidney stone than there are chances that another one form so treatment is significant. Kidney stone surgery and medication are not necessary it is better if they are passed by urine. So take plenty of water daily. Stone in kidney cause severe pain, nausea, vomiting etc. they can be treated by the medications but natural remedies are always a good decision because it has no side effects.


Natural treatments are always a good option. The best thing is that we already have these things at home and it is the cheapest and best treatment overall. Basil leaves also called tulsi are best for the overall health of a kidneys.


  1. Take basil juice and honey in equal quantity i.e. 1 tablespoon daily.
  2. Keep taking it 4-6 months in the morning.
  3. You may chew basil leaves if you like it.
  4. Surely, the kidney stone passed by urine.

Olive oil and lemon juice

It is an effective and active home remedy for kidney stones. Kidney stones can be break down by lemon juice as it contains citric acid. By drinking lemon juice, urine increases which actually the kidney stone patient wants. You may use the combination of olive oil and lemon juice.


  1. Squeeze lemon and pour out 1/4 cup of its juice.
  2. Take an equal amount of olive oil and mix it and take it with water.
  3. Continuously take this mixture two times in a day.
  4. Definitely, the stone in kidney passed by urine in few days.

Water melon

Water melon contains potassium, magnesium, calcium and excess of water which play a vital role to get rid of kidney stones. Potassium in water melon is significant for the health of a kidneys. The acidic level in urine can be maintain by it. Water melon is also a home remedy for constipation.


  1. Eat the water melon daily as much as you can it has no side effects.
  2. If you have problem with eating it then extract its juice and drink it.
  3. Do this home remedy until the stone not passed by urine.

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar easily dissolve the kidney stones frequently. Its alkaline nature clean the urine and blood. Apple cider vinegar has anti-bacterial properties that’s it is used for many home remedies.


  1. Take a warm water.
  2. Mix 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and double the quantity for honey.
  3. Drink it for 2-3 months regularly.

Kidney beans

It is an effective home remedy for kidney stones as it contains fibers. Its shape also attract and relax the patient as it is only made to treat the kidney stone patient. It also release the pain of a stones.


  1. Take a small bowl of kidney beans and remove the seeds from the pods.
  2. Boil the water and put the seeds in it.
  3. Boil it until it gets soft.
  4. Strain the water and let it cool, drink it.
  5. Take this remedy 2 times in a day and don’t use this water after 24 hours.
  6. You may eat its salad.

Home remedies to remove blackheads on nose

First understand what are blackheads? Then the question arises that How to remove blackheads? How to get rid of blackheads? What are home remedies for blackheads? How to get rid of blackheads fast? Now let’s discuss it one by one Blackheads (comedones), are small black spots on the skin. They are usually looks like a blocked pores which contain sebum, keratin and oily material. Blackheads are a form of acne at start and people hurry to get rid of blackheads. As they are properly visible that why people start conscious and nervous about it. If they appear on nose than it is the most embarrassing moment of your life.

Blackheads may cause due to hormonal changes, smoking, alcohol, medicines, cosmetics, sweat and by using different skin products. It was noticed that oily skin have greater chances of blackheads than others. Home remedies of blackheads on nose or blackheads in ear or blackheads on back have no side effects and if you follow these tips than rapidly you can remove blackheads. Natural treatment is always effective and cheap. Here are some best home remedies to remove blackheads fast:


Honey is most effective natural treatment or home remedy of many problems. The enzymes in honey tightens the pores and clear the skin. Honey has antioxidant and healing compounds. Its anti-inflammatory properties reduce irritation, spots and redness.


  1. Wash your face with soap and dry it first.
  2. Apply some honey directly to your face with the help of fingers.
  3. Spread the honey noticeably.
  4. Leave it for 15 mint and wash it with lukewarm water.
  5. Repeat this twice in a week for remarkable results.

Green tea

There are a number of green tea benefits. It protect sin from sunlight and regulate hormonal changes. Its anti-bacterial properties reduce redness and the production of bacteria. Its anti-aging property helps to stay young always. 


  1. Place dry green tea leaves in the bowl and mix with little water.
  2. Make a paste and rub this mixture on blackheads gently.
  3. Keep rubbing for 2-3 mint.
  4. Now rinse off with water and dry it.
  5. Repeat this after 2 days regularly and surely blackheads remove. 


Tomatoes are very effective for skin because of its antiseptic properties. It contains antioxidant, Vitamin A,E,C and rich in potassium which can clear the skin rapidly.


  1. Before using it notice that its temperature is normal.
  2. Take one tomato and cut it into two pieces.
  3. Now start rubbing on blackheads gently.
  4. Keep doing massage for 5 mint.
  5. Wash you face with water and dry it you can see its frequent results.
  6. You may apply for whole night for better results.

Baking soda and water

Baking soda has bleaching properties by which the skin glow and improve face complexion. Baking soda is a natural exfoliator which remove dead cells from skin. 


  1. Mix water with 1 spoon on water to make a thick paste.
  2. Move your finger in circular motion while rubbing on blackheads.
  3. Wait until it dry.
  4. Wash with water after 5 mint and dry it.
  5. Repeat this tip twice a week for frequent results.

Milk and honey

Milk and honey have anti-bacterial properties which helps to remove blackheads. Milk contains lactic acid which keeps skin soft.


  1. Take organic raw honey and milk.
  2. Mix in equal quantity 1 tablespoon of honey and milk.
  3. Heat this mixture in your microwave for 2 mint and mix it again.
  4. When its temperature gets normal than apply its thin layer on blackheads.
  5. Then fluently place a cotton strip on it and peel off after 15 mint.
  6. Wash the infected area carefully with cold water and dry it.

Egg white mask


  1. Wash the infected area and let it dry first.
  2. Take one egg and separate its yolk carefully.
  3. Apply it on blackheads as a thin layer.
  4. Place one tissue on it and press it slowly so that it not slide.
  5. After 5 mint place one more tissue and press it.
  6. Left it until it dry.
  7. Wait for 15 mint and peel off mask and wash the area with cold water.
  8. Dry your skin repeat this remedy for 2 times in a week.

Must read:
  • Don’t touch your blackheads there is a chances of oil exchange from your fingers to the infected area.
  • Always try to keep your skin dry and use scrub to wash the infected area.
  • Select 1 remedy and keep doing it until you get the results.

Healthy hair tips which you can do at home

When you say hair what’s the first thing which comes in to your mind?? Ask yourself and I am confident that its answer is beauty. The beauty of a person no matter you are talking about a man or a women can be judge by hair. Everyone likes long, thick and shiny hair its true right? But what if every time when you comb your hair it filled by broken and rough hair. What if after taking bath your hair are spread over washroom floor and your family is tired from your hair.

Some people daily wash their hair with shampoo and thought that it’s good for the health of hair is that really true? No absolutely not because it harm the skin and the hair tends to be rougher. When people are excited to go for a party they forget about the health of hair and use hair sprays and gels as much as they can it’s funny but true right? All the problems occurred due to unawareness right? But now it’s so simple to take care of your scalp so that thick and healthy hair grows. So that you can make any stylish or simple hair style.

Here are the solutions of your every hair loss related problems. The best thing is that these healthy hair tips are so simple and easy to follow that you can’t even imagine.

Wash your hair daily

Don’t get its negative meaning it doesn’t mean that washing your hair daily with shampoo. Make your routine wash your hair with normal water (not too hot) daily and with shampoo thrice in a weak. Hot water damage the scalp and increase moisture. The strands of hair tends to be weak day by day. After hair washing dry them properly then use comb. Don’t ever cover your wet hair always dry first.

Use hair conditioner

Many of us know about conditioner is good for the health of hair but don’t know how to use conditioner? There are a lots of hair conditioner in a market choose the one which suits you. When you wash your hair with shampoo than apply conditioner on the scalp and do massage for 2-3 mint and leave it for 10 mint. Wash it with water (on normal temperature). One more thing shampoo and conditioner are two different products. Some people use conditioner as an alternative for the shampoo. So keep is in mind while using it.

Oil for hair

As people are becoming modern day by day the left the old values and beneficial things. They prefer to buy medicines and creams for hair loss. The best tip to reduce the hair loss is massage Yes it is. Do proper massage of coconut oil with finger tips for 10-12 mint and leave it for 1 hour. Wash your hair after that. You may also use olive oil and castor oil for hair massage. Oil gives shine and protect the hair.

Onion juice

The ever best and cheapest remedy for hair loss. Onion has Sulphur which helps to scalp to grow hair again even if you don’t have earlier. Now the question is that how to use it? It’s so simple take one onion and extract its juice. Apply onion juice and do massage properly with finger tips. Left it for 15-20 mint and wash your hair. Do this remedy twice a week for 3-4 months for better results.

A mixture of egg, yoghurt and oil

Egg has proteins, oil gives shine to your hair and yoghurt helps to reduce dandruff. And think when they all mix how much it’s beneficial for your hair treatment. Take a bowl and mix them. Apply this mixture and do proper massage. Leave it for 30 mint and after that wash your hair. You will surely notice the result after even one time apply this mixture. Do twice in a weak this remedy.

Use aloe Vera with oil

Aloe Vera prevents oiliness on scalp and also provide nourishment to hair growth. It reduce dandruff as well as dryness of hair. Proper use of it helps to reduce hair loss and the growth of hair increase. It has no side effects and mostly suits to every type of skin. There are many types to use it but one of them which I personally use is. Cut the aloe Vera leave and extract its inside gel mix with oil and grand this mixture. Apply directly to the scalp and massage for 15 min slowly so that the scalp absorb this mixture. Leave it for 30-40 mint and wash your hair.

Vinegar for hair

Vinegar provides strength to hair and hair become shiny and silky too. It’s one of the best effective remedy for hair. You can use it as it is by mixing 2 table spoon of apple cider vinegar with glass of water. Another use of it mix egg yolk with vinegar and apply this mixture on your scalp. Leave it for 15 mint and wash with cold water. Use weekly for better results.

Things not to apply on hair

  • Don’t tie your hair tightly.
  • Don’t use hair dryer and straightener frequently, use it in an emergency.
  • Avoid hair styling with gel and hair sprays.
  • Never brush wet hair.

Must read:
All natural home remedies takes time to show its results so keep patience. These all above tips have no side effects. Feel free if you have some questions to ask. One more thing choose one remedy and apply it for 2-3 months. Don’t apply all remedies at one time.

Tips to reduce stubborn belly fat by 5 yoga poses

Reducing body fat of any part is always a hardest thing but reducing belly fat is the tricky one. It is a stubborn area that people sometimes tired from workout and diet plans. As body fats plays a vital role in your personality and people at first notice the belly fat as it is difficult to hide. People start conscious about their belly fat and always feel nervousness to go for a party or any gathering. It disturb your life when you constantly stay exhausted or frustrated. 

The belly fat, may be a serious issue as it is strongly linked with heart disease, some forms of cancer etc. So one should put effort to lose belly fat. Many people suggest plenty of exercises to lose belly fat, walk and dieting plans. But yoga is the more effective way to reduce abdominal fat. First keep calm or relax before doing yoga and it’s better to do breathing exercise before. Practice these yoga poses almost daily for frequent results:

Cobra posture (Bhujang asana)

  1. Lie down straight your legs and place your palms under the shoulder.
  2. Toes and chin keep touching the floor.
  3. Now inhale breath and slowly raise your midsection up, twisted in reverse.
  4. Hold this posture for 15 second or it depends on your capacity.
  5. Exhale breath gradually and slowly back your body to the normal position.
  6. Repeat this for 3 times and after some days you may do more.

Must read: Don’t do this pose if you have back injury, surgery, knee pain and in pregnancy. Every pose is not suitable for everyone so keep it in mind while doing it.

Bow posture (Dhanurasana)

  1. Lie down and relax your stomach by inhaling and exhaling slowly.
  2. Inhale breath, curve your knees and bend your arms back that it reach to the feet, hold them.
  3. Hold this pose for 20 second or it depends on your stamina.
  4. While exhalation, slowly back to the normal position.
  5. Repeat this for 5 times and take rest for 20 seconds between each time.

Wind easing posture (Pavanamukthasana)

  1. Lie down straight and relax your body.
  2. Inhale and slowly bend your knees with the help of hands towards your belly.
  3. Keep this posture for 20 second or depends on your capability.
  4. Now, exhale slowly and left your knees back to original position.
  5. Repeat this 5 times with a break of 15-30 seconds in between.

Plank (Kumbhakasana)

  1. Lie down on your belly on a flat surface.
  2. Bend your feet so that the toes are pushing off the ground.
  3. Place your palms next to your face and push your hands slowly while raising your buttock up.
  4. Keep your neck muscles relax and inhale while lower your chest so that your arms are perpendicular or 90 degree to the floor.
  5. You feel that your muscles start tightening. Hold this pose for 15 second or depends on your strength.
  6. Now slowly exhale and lower your body to the floor back.
  7. Repeat this for 3 times in the beginning.

Bridge (Setubandhasana)

  1. Lie straight on a flat surface and relax your body.
  2. Inhale and push up your back against the floor such that your neck and head stay flat on the ground.
  3. Keep this posture for 20 seconds or depends on your ability.
  4. This posture also helpful for digestion and lowering blood pressure.
  5. Now exhale slowly and back to your original position and relax.
  6. Repeat this for 5 times at beginning.

Acne treatment at home

There are a lot of question running in our minds that How to get rid of acne? How to get rid of acne scars? How to get rid of back acne? How to get rid of acne fast? Here are answers of all your questions to get rid of acne by home remedies:
  • Apply apple cider vinegar it can kill the bacteria.
  • Use honey and cinnamon for acne removal. Mash the cinnamon sticks and add honey in it and apply on the problematic area and rinse off after 15mins.
  • Tea tree oil for acne it has anti-bacterial properties to kill bacteria growth.
  • Aloe vera for acne is best use its aloe vera gel or aloe vera juice apply this and it acts as anti-inflammatory, reduce spots and clear the skin. Its good to grow aloe vera plant at home.
  • Green tea has antioxidant that help to get rid of acne apply its tea bags or wash your mouth when it cool down.

Best tips for hair loss treatment

The beauty of person whether man or woman relay on the fact that how much beautiful long hair they have. But due to environment changes and certain other facts like anxiety attack, anxiety medication, hormonal imbalance, excessive smoking cigarettes, aging, use of straightener etc. are the causes of hair growth ends or hair loss start. You should notice that on one day there should be min 100 strands of hair loss. If more than these strands lost than your hair loss starts and now don’t use chemicals, conditioners, shampoos and other things. Use home remedies which have no side effects here explained some of them apply it.

Fenugreek seeds

There are several fenugreek benefits for hair loss treatment. Fenugreek also methi contains protein and nicotinic acid that help short hair to grow fast. Now here the question arises that how we can use it here is a simple method to apply it. Soak one cup of fenugreek seeds overnight and grind it to make its paste. Apply this paste on your scalp and hair. Cover it and rinse with water after 45 mint. Use this remedy twice a week for 2-3 months to see its result. As natural remedies always take time to show its consequence.

Onion Juice

Onion juice contains high amount of sulfur which reduce irritation and improve blood circulation. Its anti-bacterial properties kill’s bacteria, treat infection and significant hair growth starts. As it is obtainable in every home you don’t need to buy it specially and it has cheap rate. Its method to apply is very easy cut the onion and extract its juice on machine. Simple apply it on the scalp, massage it with fingers for 5mint and wash it after 30 mint. Apply this twice a week for 3-4 months for better effect.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera benefits are so much that if you start counting it then you realize. Aloe vera uses are many but if you apply one of them you see its result. Aloe vera gel for hair reduce redness, itching scalp the increase the quality of the hair. Its better to grow aloe vera plant at home. Make a juice of aloe vera and mix it with oil use may use any time of oil and do massage for 15 mint on scalp. Rinse it with water after 1 hour for better results.


Beetroot juice are rich with vitamin B and C. It also contains protein, calcium, potassium etc. which play a significant role in hair growth. You may add beetroot salad in your diet it gives you natural hair. Drink beetroot juice daily for healthier results. 

Tips to avoid armpit odor

Underarm odor is the most embarrassing moment in public, office and school etc. Excessive underarm sweating contains bacteria which produce body odor. Underarm odor is a sensitive issue on which people shy and not discuss it. There are several questions in our mind like how to stop underarm sweating? How to remove underarm hair? Underarm whitening products? Here are the answers of your many question. Surely, these tips solve your problem:

Body wash

Daily wash your body with antibacterial soap it kills bacteria and reduce body odor. When you buy any soap clearly see the antibacterial specification on a soap. Sometimes the odor is not left with simple bathing. Use body wash like dove body wash, lux body wash etc. on regular basis once in a day. So the bacteria on your body produced by sweat can’t increase. Dry your body after your body wash well as on damp skin bacteria grows.

Tea tree oil and witch hazel

Both are natural sterilizers. Use tea tree oil to wipe underarms as it is a natural antiseptic. Witch hazel too is a natural antiseptic which greatly modifies the skin pH level to make it undesirable for fungi and bacteria. It can stop the bacterial growth. Simply apply tea tree oil or witch hazel on a dry skin and wash it after 15mint.

Apple cider vinegar

There are many benefits of apple cider vinegar one of them is to reduce armpit odor. As bacteria and fungi can easily be kill by apple cider vinegar, which is a natural antiseptic and low pH level. Apply apple vinegar directly or soak cotton ball in it after noticeably dry your body. First apply on a small area and notice that you don’t have any allergy from it and then use it. After 15 mints wash it. It can rapidly reduce the bad odor. Don’t ever apply this after underarm waxing and underarm hair removal by creams.

Underarm deodorant

As deodorant of any company are made by chemicals which may have certain bad effects which we can’t see. Natural and organic products are always the best choice but if you want to use deodorant still then use aluminum free deodorant. Deodorant comes with many categories like mens deodorant, deodorant for women to capture people. The use of deodorant change your body color then you start searching for underarm whitening products which in return effect your body.

Lemon juice

Lemon is an antibacterial and anti fungal agent. Because of its acidic nature bacteria can’t grow. Simple method to apply it dry your skin properly and cut lemon into two pieces and rub it on the underarm for 5 mint and rinse off with water. The mixture honey lemon can also be used for bad odor just apply it on the skin area and wash after 5 mint.

Skin care tips for healthy skin

Now a day’s life style is too busy that we don’t have free time to take care of our skin. Skin needs time and care. For a healthy skin natural skin care is essential. The natural skin care tips does not ever harm your skin. Good skin care tips protect the skin and make your skin healthy and beautiful. Wrinkles are caused by sagging skin it appears on skin with the age. There are several types of tips for skin care some of them are describe below:

Tips for wrinkle treatments

When you cant sleep well then your face start losing its freshness. For wrinkle remover sleep sound. Sleeping is best treatment for your skin care. There are a types of fish which are rich in proteins. Fish is a source of essential fatty acid like omega three fatty acids. Eat more and more fruits and vegetables it helps to reduce wrinkles. Vitamin c for skin it protects skin from damage. Vitamin c serum improve skin pigmentation. Use aloe vera on skin twice a week. Drink more water 12 glass in a day.

Tips for fair skin

Practice stress relief exercise, stress dry your skin rapidly. Wear long sleeve dress, long shirt, long jeans in summer to protect skin from daylight. Stop smoke because smoking causes damage to the skin and decrease the blood flow through vessels. Eat meat and fresh fruits full of nutrition help your skin to stay healthy. You may apply honey with the mixture of lemon juice on your skin and rinse of after 10 mints do this twice in a weak.

Tips for oily skin

When you wake up in the morning then take a tissue and rub it on your face slowly check it if it get wet then you have an oily skin. Wash your face many times in a day it will make your skin dry and decrease the oily texture from the skin. Eat plenty of vitamin c rich foods it helps to balance the skin moisture. Don’t apply different beauty products because it ruin your skin follow natural tips to reduce oil from your skin. Use scrub twice in a day it helps you to keep your skin dry.

Tips for dark circle under eyes

Insufficient and irregular sleep cause a dark circles. The ever best home remedy of dark circles is to drink water as much as you can in a day. Avoid stress which may be of job or a family because it always increase dark circles and you may lose your skin freshness it start looking like a dead skin. Cut a slices of cucumber and put it on your eyes for 15 mints it helps you to remove dark circles. At night do massage of sweat almond oil on dark circles for 2-3 mints and sleep wash your face with a water do this until the dark circles completely finish. Eat omega 3 supplements daily as omega 3 benefits your skin a lot. Crush potato and place it on a soft piece of cloth and place on dark circles for 15 mints and wash it do it twice in a week.

Weight loss tips

There are numerous diet plan for weight loss some means to lose weight are:

  • Take healthy breakfast in which eat brown bread with poached egg and tea without sugar.
  • Eat healthy lunch of poached fish and different salad like potato salad, fruit salad etc.
  • Healthy dinner steamed or poached fish with green vegetables.
  • Do cardio workout twice in a day.
  • Drink green tea 3 times in a day.
  • The walk is an important part of today’s life do the walk regularly.
  • Drink more water approximately 12 glasses in a day.
  • The food network is spoil now a days don’t eat prepared food from outside.
  • Eat water rich foods which have fewer calories.
  • Prepare food basket and eat it alone.
  • Use appetite suppressant.
  • Eat protein foods and drink protein shakes.
  • Take cabbage soup diet for weight loss.

Sore throat remedies

  1. From raw honey extract honey and mixed in a green tea/tea or simply taken has been a home remedy for sore throat. Honey is more effective in nighttime as it is a home remedy for cough too. Honey is an active wound healer, that’s why it is used as wound healing and for wound care.
  2. The spray of peppermint oil may relieve sore throat. There are a lot of benefits of peppermint tea too. It may be a best tea for sore throat. It contains natural anti-inflammatory and natural anti-viral properties which can help healing sore throat rapidly.
  3. Gargle salt water pulls the mucous cyst out of mouth and helps the discomfort of a sore throat.
  4. Don’t go to smoke shop and buy it avoid it to cure sore throat.

Benefits of green tea

Weight Loss

Green tea fast metabolism. The poly-phenol oxidase found in green tea works to maintain body fat percentage. How to lose body fat?? Eat poly-phenol rich foods it helps to reduce weight and body fats.

Heart Disease

It lining the blood vessels and help them to just relax stay. It helps to lower high blood pressure. It also protect the blood clots formation which is the major cause of heart attacks or it is the signs of heart attack. Green tea ingredients act like an anti viral medicine. Anti viral medications difficult to eat green tea is the home remedy for it.


It helps to retain cholesterol levels. High cholesterol can be lower by cholesterol diet but additionally if you drink green tea it can normal cholesterol levels rapidly.

Blood Pressure

The consumption of green tea considerably low blood pressure. Symptoms of high blood pressure when pulmonary hypertension increases drink green tea it aids to low blood pressure. A significant cause of severe depression is an enzyme secreted by kidneys named angiotension-converting enzyme (ACE). There are many types of drugs such as Vasotec, Zestril etc. function as angiotention-converting enzyme inhibitors. Green tea is a natural ACE inhibitor.


Green tea helps to control blood glucose levels. It prevents storage fats. Drink green tea 3 times in a day can low blood sugar.