Benefits of green tea

Weight Loss

Green tea fast metabolism. The poly-phenol oxidase found in green tea works to maintain body fat percentage. How to lose body fat?? Eat poly-phenol rich foods it helps to reduce weight and body fats.

Heart Disease

It lining the blood vessels and help them to just relax stay. It helps to lower high blood pressure. It also protect the blood clots formation which is the major cause of heart attacks or it is the signs of heart attack. Green tea ingredients act like an anti viral medicine. Anti viral medications difficult to eat green tea is the home remedy for it.


It helps to retain cholesterol levels. High cholesterol can be lower by cholesterol diet but additionally if you drink green tea it can normal cholesterol levels rapidly.

Blood Pressure

The consumption of green tea considerably low blood pressure. Symptoms of high blood pressure when pulmonary hypertension increases drink green tea it aids to low blood pressure. A significant cause of severe depression is an enzyme secreted by kidneys named angiotension-converting enzyme (ACE). There are many types of drugs such as Vasotec, Zestril etc. function as angiotention-converting enzyme inhibitors. Green tea is a natural ACE inhibitor.


Green tea helps to control blood glucose levels. It prevents storage fats. Drink green tea 3 times in a day can low blood sugar.

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