Healthy hair tips which you can do at home

When you say hair what’s the first thing which comes in to your mind?? Ask yourself and I am confident that its answer is beauty. The beauty of a person no matter you are talking about a man or a women can be judge by hair. Everyone likes long, thick and shiny hair its true right? But what if every time when you comb your hair it filled by broken and rough hair. What if after taking bath your hair are spread over washroom floor and your family is tired from your hair.

Some people daily wash their hair with shampoo and thought that it’s good for the health of hair is that really true? No absolutely not because it harm the skin and the hair tends to be rougher. When people are excited to go for a party they forget about the health of hair and use hair sprays and gels as much as they can it’s funny but true right? All the problems occurred due to unawareness right? But now it’s so simple to take care of your scalp so that thick and healthy hair grows. So that you can make any stylish or simple hair style.

Here are the solutions of your every hair loss related problems. The best thing is that these healthy hair tips are so simple and easy to follow that you can’t even imagine.

Wash your hair daily

Don’t get its negative meaning it doesn’t mean that washing your hair daily with shampoo. Make your routine wash your hair with normal water (not too hot) daily and with shampoo thrice in a weak. Hot water damage the scalp and increase moisture. The strands of hair tends to be weak day by day. After hair washing dry them properly then use comb. Don’t ever cover your wet hair always dry first.

Use hair conditioner

Many of us know about conditioner is good for the health of hair but don’t know how to use conditioner? There are a lots of hair conditioner in a market choose the one which suits you. When you wash your hair with shampoo than apply conditioner on the scalp and do massage for 2-3 mint and leave it for 10 mint. Wash it with water (on normal temperature). One more thing shampoo and conditioner are two different products. Some people use conditioner as an alternative for the shampoo. So keep is in mind while using it.

Oil for hair

As people are becoming modern day by day the left the old values and beneficial things. They prefer to buy medicines and creams for hair loss. The best tip to reduce the hair loss is massage Yes it is. Do proper massage of coconut oil with finger tips for 10-12 mint and leave it for 1 hour. Wash your hair after that. You may also use olive oil and castor oil for hair massage. Oil gives shine and protect the hair.

Onion juice

The ever best and cheapest remedy for hair loss. Onion has Sulphur which helps to scalp to grow hair again even if you don’t have earlier. Now the question is that how to use it? It’s so simple take one onion and extract its juice. Apply onion juice and do massage properly with finger tips. Left it for 15-20 mint and wash your hair. Do this remedy twice a week for 3-4 months for better results.

A mixture of egg, yoghurt and oil

Egg has proteins, oil gives shine to your hair and yoghurt helps to reduce dandruff. And think when they all mix how much it’s beneficial for your hair treatment. Take a bowl and mix them. Apply this mixture and do proper massage. Leave it for 30 mint and after that wash your hair. You will surely notice the result after even one time apply this mixture. Do twice in a weak this remedy.

Use aloe Vera with oil

Aloe Vera prevents oiliness on scalp and also provide nourishment to hair growth. It reduce dandruff as well as dryness of hair. Proper use of it helps to reduce hair loss and the growth of hair increase. It has no side effects and mostly suits to every type of skin. There are many types to use it but one of them which I personally use is. Cut the aloe Vera leave and extract its inside gel mix with oil and grand this mixture. Apply directly to the scalp and massage for 15 min slowly so that the scalp absorb this mixture. Leave it for 30-40 mint and wash your hair.

Vinegar for hair

Vinegar provides strength to hair and hair become shiny and silky too. It’s one of the best effective remedy for hair. You can use it as it is by mixing 2 table spoon of apple cider vinegar with glass of water. Another use of it mix egg yolk with vinegar and apply this mixture on your scalp. Leave it for 15 mint and wash with cold water. Use weekly for better results.

Things not to apply on hair

  • Don’t tie your hair tightly.
  • Don’t use hair dryer and straightener frequently, use it in an emergency.
  • Avoid hair styling with gel and hair sprays.
  • Never brush wet hair.

Must read:
All natural home remedies takes time to show its results so keep patience. These all above tips have no side effects. Feel free if you have some questions to ask. One more thing choose one remedy and apply it for 2-3 months. Don’t apply all remedies at one time.

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