Homemade face mask for glowing skin

Have you spent a lot of money for glowing skin, oily skin, dry skin and for dark circles?? Yes I know the answer because everyone attract towards beauty. And when it comes to women she is ready to do any thing for her skin. The creams and many beauty product at first are appealing but when you use it you regret what you have done with your sensitive skin. Natural remedies, herbs and tips don't have any type of side effects. Easy to do and provides permanent glow to your skin. Your wrinkle face start glowing again and your dark circles reduce with in days by applying this turmeric face mask. The amazing and interesting thing is that you don't have to buy anything for it. All the things which you need already in home so its a cheapest face mask. Now the question is that:

How to make homemade face mask

Its so simple just need 30 minute to make it, apply it and wash it.

Ingredients (Things you need)

A small bowl.
3 table spoon of gram flour(also called as besan).
1 tea spoon to mix all ingredients.
1 tea spoon of turmeric powder.
1 table spoon of almond oil.


1. Take a bowl and add turmeric powder and gram flour in it.
2. Mix them with a tea spoon.
3. Add almond oil and mix it.
4. Now slowly add the milk and stir it until the thick mixture made.

Apply on face

First wash your face and dry it with the help of a tissue. Now with the help of a fingers apply it on your face. Apply a layer which is not so thick but not too thin to. Apply carefully over dark circles, chins and on neck. Now leave it for 20 mint until it completely dry. Wash your mouth and dry it. Surely you will notice the difference by applying it twice in a week.

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